Septic Services

Septic Tank Maintenance &
Part of the regular maintenance of your system, the removal of accumulated solids and sludge will help ensure its continued efficiency and avoid costly repairs resulting from an uncared-for system.

It’s recommended to pump your septic tank every three to five years to ensure your system is operating properly and for the prevention of groundwater contamination.
Our licensed, experienced team is ready to answer your calls day and night, on weekends and holidays, and emergency service is always available.
Septic Tank Maintenance &
Part of the regular maintenance of your system, the removal of accumulated solids and sludge will help ensure its continued efficiency and avoid costly repairs resulting from an uncared-for system.

It’s recommended to pump your septic tank every three to five years to ensure your system is operating properly and for the prevention of groundwater contamination.
Our licensed, experienced team is ready to answer your calls day and night, on weekends and holidays, and emergency service is always available.
Residential & Commercial Installation, Repair and Service.

Pump Outs
Dig up existing tank or tanks, open tank and pump out
Check tank for wear and tear, unusual decay or cracks
If lids are broken, they can sometimes be repaired, but in some cases they will need to be replaced
Filter cleaning is included if present, and a filter can be installed for additional cost
Load test the drainfield to ensure it is in good working condition
Reseal tank and backfill hole

Lid Replacement
Plastic lids need to be ordered and will be available 1-2 days after order placment
Fiberglass lids need to be special ordered to size
Concrete lids are cut to size and take 1-2 days to process

Filter Installs
We provide a new filter with every new septic system we install
In order for your system to pass Existing System Certification, a filter must be present in your tank.
Modification permits will require a filter to be installed in order to obtain final approval of a system.

Septic System Inspection
Your system should be pumped every 3 to 5 years, so if you don't know how long it's been then we can inspect your system to determine it's current status.
A septic system inspection can save you big time when buying a new home. Know the state of the septic system before you buy!
We have the capability of scoping your system with a drain/septic camera snake system, where we can inspect and evaluate areas of your system that would otherwise be impossible to inspect.

Quality Components
There is a lot to consider when installing or replacing your septic tank. At Ramage Septic, we carefully select the best components for your specific needs so you can be confident in your system for years to come.
We offer installs of both septic and plumbing systems. Our Septic Systems will be sized based on the need of the building or home. If it is an existing home or building we will always propose a system that is equal to or better than the original system.

Quality Components
There is a lot to consider when installing or replacing your septic tank. At Ramage Septic, we carefully select the best components for your specific needs so you can be confident in your system for years to come.
We offer installs of both septic and plumbing systems. Our Septic Systems will be sized based on the need of the building or home. If it is an existing home or building we will always propose a system that is equal to or better than the original system.
bioForceTM Liquid
Bacterial Waste Liquefier
This blend of bacillus bacteria strains is cultured for their superior ability to digest all organic waste – quickly, efficiently and eliminates odors. Regular applications prevents gresase from accumulating in drain lines and tanks.
bioForceTM Granular
Heavy Duty Grease Digester
Fats, oils, greases (FOGs) and other organic waste materials are flushed through plumbing systems many times everyday. These organic materials tend to solidify and adhere to drain lines which causes buildup and leads to inefficiency of the plumbing system. bioForce Heavy Duty Grease Digester is a natural bacterial consortium formulated to meet the demands of maintaining grease traps, drains, plumbing lines, sewers and wastewater treatment facilities. bioForce Heavy Duty Grease Digester helps keep area free from blockages caused by FOG accumulations and reduces BOD.
bioForceTM Packets
Bacterial Waste Liquefier
Convenient pre-measured water soluble packets for use in septic tanks. Effectively degrades organic waste solids, grease and paper to promote proper system functioning and eliminate odor. Counteracts the negative impact of bleach, harsh chemicals and anti bacterial soaps. Conveniently packaged for residential use.
bioForceTM Bricks/Cubes
Bacterial Grease Digester
For Grease Traps
Bacterial grease digester for lift stations and grease traps. Solid, bacteria brick that dissolves slowly, providing continuous treatment for grease traps, lift stations, and wet wells. Controls grease, sludge, fats/oils and build-ups, while keeping areas odor-free. Greatly reduces labor time. Gradually dissolves over a 30-90 day period which allows for continuous treatment and degradation of waste. For maximum efficiency use in conjunction with bioForce packets. Bacillus Blend – 4 billion CFu/Gram.
period which allows for continuous treatment and degradation of waste. The naturally occurring
bacteria contained in the brick/cube will reduce odor, sludge, fats, oils and grease buildup.
bioForceTM PLUS
Commercial Strength
Bacterial Waste Liquefier
A commercial strength liquid ideal for use in grease traps and any problem areas. Keeps restaurant drain lines and grease traps functioning properly. Eliminates odors.
bioForceTM MAXX
Commercial Strength
Drain Field Treatment
A drainfield treatment incorporating a high count of natural bacteria and is formulated to meet the demands of maintaining septic drainfields. One application shocks drainfield with 10 trillion high performance bacteria that degrade organic build-up and FOGs that cause unhealthy systems.
Ramage Septic

2898 Harry T. Moore Ave.
Mims, Florida 32754
(321) 225-8908
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
© 2020 Ramage Septic | All Rights Reserved
2898 Harry T. Moore Ave.
Mims, Florida 32754
(321) 225- 8908
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
© 2018 Ramage Septic.
All Rights Reserved.
Design by Sidero Consulting